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Hajj, the loss will entirely to theirs. They will forfeit His good graces, they will deprive themselves of His benevolence, and Allah (Subhaanahu Wata’aalaa)-forbid, a most lamentable fate will be waiting for them in the Hereafter. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) is reported to have gone as far as to say:
“A person whom Allah (Subhaanahu Wata’aalaa) has given enough to perform the Hajj, if he still fails to do so then it does not matter at all whether he dies a Jew or a Christian,”
Brother, if there is any regard in our hearts for Islam, if we can boast of the least attachment to Allah (Subhaanahu Wata’aalaa) and the Prophet (Peace be upon him), none of us who can afford to make the journey should remain without performing the Hajj after we have known this Traditions.
Spiritual Merit
The importance of the Hajj and the spiritual meritoriousness of those who perform it have been emphasized in a number of Traditions. We will reproduce a few of them here.
“Those who make the pilgrimage for the Hajj or the Umra they are guests of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata’aalaa): their petitions, if they make any to Allah (Subhaanahu Wata’aalaa), will be granted, and if they seek deliverance from sins, their sins will be forgiven.”
“He who performs the Hajj and commits no wicked or sinful deed during it and does not disobey Allah (Subhaanahu Wata’aalaa), he will return from it as pure and guiltless as he was at the time of his birth.”
“The reward for a pure and untainted hajj is paradise itself and nothing short of it.”
Immediate Gains
The remission of sins and the enjoyment of the supreme blissfulness of paradise as a result of the spiritual auspiciousness of the Hajj will, Insha Allah, surely be granted to the faithful in full measure in life to come, but the exquisite thrill and the sublime joy one experiences, the soul-stirring sensation of delight and wonderment one feels, on seeing that choicest seat of Divine splendor the House of Ka’aba and on visiting those special places in Mecca where the memories of Prophet Abraham and of our own Prophet (peace be upon whom) are still alive, are also things of the celestial world on the earth. Then the pilgrimage to the Prophet’s mausoleum at Medina, the offering up of Namaz in his own mosque, the addressing of the salutation and the benediction to him directly, the aimless wanderings in the streets and the wilderness of that blessed city, the breathing in of its air and the fragrance which always seems to be filling its atmosphere, the ethereal joy of his remembrance bursting upon one sometimes in laughter and sometimes in tears-all these things provided, of course, that one is blessed enough to feel them are the immediate rewards a pilgrim gets when he betakes himself to the holy cities of Mecca and Medina.
Five Pillars of Islam
The five fundamental teachings of Islam we have discussed so far the Kalima, Namaz, Zakath, Roza and Hajj are known as the ‘Five Pillars of the Faith’.
A well-known Tradition of the holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) tells us that, “The foundation of Islam rests on these five things:
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