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brethren, too, have a share in their wealth and other capabilities. The Quran has enjoined at a number of places that the needs of the orphans, the weak and the indigent and other needy and destitute persons should be taken care of, the hungry should be fed, the ill-clad should be clothed, and, so on.
It is narrated that once the Prophet (Peace be upon him) joined two of his fingers and showing them to the Companions said, “He who supports an orphan shall be as close to me in Heaven as are these fingers to each-other.”
He is also reported to have observed:
“He who endeavors to relieve the widow, the depressed and the needy is as one who strives in the service of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata’aalaa), and, in Divine reward, he is as one who permanently fasts during the day and spends one’s nights in prayers.”
“Feed the hungry, visit the sick and free the captives.”
“Help the distressed and be a guide to those who have lost their way.”
No distinction has been drawn in the above Traditions of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) between a Muslim and a non-Muslim. All poor and needy persons have a claim on us no matter to what religion they belong. We cannot withhold our helping hand from anyone on the ground that he is not a coreligionist.
In some Traditions, the Prophet (Peace be upon him) has exhorted us to show kindness also to animals and promised great reward to those who take pity on these dumb creatures of the Lord.
Islam, truly, is a blessing to the entire universe and the whole of creation, and our guide and master, Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon whom), “a mercy to the worlds.” The pity is that we ourselves have wandered away from his teachings. Would to Allah (Subhaanahu Wata’aalaa) that we, too, became a mercy to the whole world by becoming true Muslims.
Rights of Muslims on Each-Other
Further, there is a special claim of Muslims on each-other which flows out of the common bond of Islam.
Said the Prophet (Peace be upon him):
“Every Muslim is a Muslim’s brother. He should neither harm him himself nor leave him alone (when someone else does so but try his best to help him and to protect him). Whoever among you will fulfill the need of his brother Allah (Subhaanahu Wata’aalaa) will take it upon Himself to fluffing his needs, and a Muslim who will remove the distress of a Muslim brother will, in, return find a distress of his removed by Allah (Subhaanahu Wata’aalaa) on the Day of Requital, and anyone who will hide the shame of a Muslim, his sins will be hidden by Allah (Subhaanahu Wata’aalaa) on the Last Day.”
“Do not bear a grudge or enmity against each other, do not be jealous of each-other, and do not indulge in backbiting.”
“Live like brothers and the servants of One Allah (Subhaanahu Wata’aalaa). It is not allowed to a Muslim to cease to be on talking terms with a Muslim for more than three days.”
“The life, honor and property of a Muslim are sacred for another.”
We will not close the present discussion on social relations and mutual rights and duties with the following
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