
It is related that the holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) once remarked that the following prayer was Sayyidul-Istighfar (the leader of all the prayer formulas of Istighfar).

O Allah (Subhaanahu Wata’aalaa)! Thou art my Lord; there is no one is worthy of worship and obedience. Thou art my Creator and I am Thy slave. I abide by Thy covenant and promise as best as I can. I seek refuge in Thee from the mischief of what I have wrought. I acknowledge unto Thee Thy favor, which Thou hast bestowed upon me, I also confess mine inequity; so forgive me for none forgiveth sins save Thee.

Says the Prophet (Peace be upon him):

“He who will offer repentance and beg the forgiveness of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata’aalaa) reciting this prayer with faith and sincerity during day-time then if he died on that day, before nightfall, he shall go to Heaven, and he who will recite it at night, with faith and sincerity, and then if he died on that night, before day-break, he shall go to Heaven.”

The three Kalimas of Tauba we have mentioned above are quite easy to remember.

As a Tradition reads:

“Blessed, indeed, is the man in whose record the profusion of Tauba is written.”


What has been stated in the twenty lessons of this small volume will, Insha Allah, suffice for anyone for the attainment of Divine pleasure and paradise. It seems appropriate here to give a brief resume of the whole discussion before bringing the book to a close.

The first principle of Islam and the most essential pre-requisite of deliverance and the attainment of paradise is that a man affirms his faith in the Kalima La ila ha illala Muhammadar rasoolullah. After that, he should try to acquire knowledge of the tenets of Islam as least as far as it is necessary to know them in order to be a good Muslim. His constant endeavor should be to observe the Islamic teachings faithfully and to carry out sincerely the Divine commandments regarding the Rights of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata’aalaa) as well as the Rights of Man and good social and moral behaviour. When there may occur a lapse on his part in respect of these matters he should feel genuinely sorry over it and repent to Allah (Subhaanahu Wata’aalaa) and seek His forgiveness. He should resolve honestly not to be guilty of the transgression again. If he has transgressed against a fellow being by violating his rights or doing him any other harm he should seek his pardon and make amends for his fault or misconduct or pay suitable compensation as the case may be.

In the same way, the effort of a Muslim should always be that the love of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata’aalaa) and of His Apostle and His Faith should be stronger in his heart than that of anyone or anything else in the world. He should remain steadfast in faith and waver not in the least form the path of duty to Allah (Subhaanahu Wata’aalaa) and the Prophet (Peace be upon him) whatever the circumstances. He should also, as a matter of duty, take some part or another in the preaching and propagation of Islam it is a thing of outstanding virtue and merit and a most special legacy of the Prophets. In the present age, particularly, its value is much greater

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