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Though the Durood Sharif we invoke the favor and blessings of the Lord on the Prophet (Peace be upon him) and his family and all those who bear a special association with him. It is, after all, through the agency of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) that the Divine boon of Islam and Namaz has reached us. Allah (Subhaanahu Wata’aalaa) has, therefore, charged us with the duty of praying for him, his family and his descendants at the end of each Namaz as an expression of our gratitude to him. After the Durood Sharif it is required of us to recite the under-mentioned prayer for ourselves and with it the Namaz is brought to an end by turning the head, first to the right and then to the left, and wishing everyone peace and blessings of the Lord.
Allaahumma in-nee zalamtu nafsee zulman katheeran, wa laa yaghfirudh dhunooba il-laa anta, faghfir lee maghfiratum min indika warhmanee in-nika antal ghafoorur raheem.
O Allah (Subhaanahu Wata’aalaa), I have done my soul a great harm and no one can forgive sins if not Thee; so grant me forgiveness with Thy pleasure and have pity on me. Thou art Most Forgiving; Most Merciful.
By means of this prayer we make an open confession of our sins and misdeeds and beseech Allah (Subhaanahu Wata’aalaa) for His Mercy and Forgiveness. It is best for us always to consider ourselves defaulters and transgressors and make an open hearted admission of our faults and lapses even after performing an act of worship of the class of Namaz, and to repose all our hopes in Divine Compassion and Mercy. We must not allow pride or vanity to come near us because of our devoutness or worship-fullness for, whatever we may do, we can never hope to acquit ourselves fully of the duty of worshipping Allah (Subhaanahu Wata’aalaa) and adoring Him and of rendering to Him what is His due.
All that is necessary to know about Namaz has been described in this lesson. Once again, we assert that Namaz is that elixir among the various modes of worship which can transform a man into an angel, in the sphere of his deeds and morals, provided that it is offered with due concentration and the feelings of reverence and humility. Brothers, we just cannot afford to take lightly the significance, worth and value of the Namaz.
So overpowering was the Prophet’s anxiety for his followers to remain steadfast in the matter of Namaz and offer it regularly and unfailingly that he took pains to exhort them about it even during the last moments of his life when it had become extremely difficult for him to speak.
Muslims who neglect the Namaz and do nothing to establish it and to keep it alive in their midst should imagine, for the sake of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata’aalaa), how are they going to face the Prophet (Peace be upon him) on the Day of Reckoning, how are they going to look towards him, after disregarding so shamelessly his last will and testament during their life. Come, let us all pray now in the words of Prophet Abraham:
Rab-bij alnee muqeem-us-salaati wa min zurriyatee, rab-bana taqabal duaae, rabbanaghfirlee wa le waalidaiyya wa lil momineena yauma yaqoomul Hissab.
Oh my Lord! Make me one who establishes regular Prayer, and also (raise such) among my offspring;
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